Fantasy Football Penalty Flag
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Tired of being ignored as League Commissioner? Fed up with people disrespecting the sacred process of a live fantasy football draft?
Put even the most unruly of league members in their place with a confident throw of the official FantasyJocks Fantasy Football Penalty Flag.
Not sure if someone is guilty of an infraction? Here are 5 examples when to throw the flag during your next draft:
1-1-1 | Manager shows up to the draft late, unprepared, without food and/or cold beverages
1-2-1 | Manager accepts phone call from significant other during the draft, bringing entire event to a screeching halt.
4-3-5 | Manager takes 5 minutes to pick, only to then select a player who was drafted 3 rounds earlier.
5-2-3 | Manager references 5 fantasy magazines, a tablet, a laptop, and 2 cell phones prior to making each selection.
6-4-6 | A Kicker is drafted before the very last round
Flag is made of a water proof nylon material and is designed to be used indoors. Heavy enough to fly across your living room without putting a hole through your new flat screen.